JADSDS engine is a friendly tag based JavaScript animator created to make easier web projects using the power of HTML5

All the animations are built using intuitive tags easy to remember.

You do not need to be a programmer, just the basics about html and JavaScript will allow you to create amazing animations.
var jadsdsEngine = new JadsdsEngine('canvasID');
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tableHeader">
<td class="tdHeaderI" style="text-align: center">
<canvas id="canvasID"
width="320" height="480"></canvas>
<input id="btnRun" type="button" value="Run xml" />
<input id="btnReset" type="button" value="Reset" />

Run multiple projects at the same time without cause any heavy impact on your CPU.

All your web projects run on Android as well.

Rotation, Scale, Video, Color cycling, Animated GIFs support, Move animation, Path animation, Audio, Alpha compositing,
Color palettes, Endless animation, Events & Actions and much more. Jadsds has more than 100 tags available.
A pdf file with the complete documentation is available here.
This site will give you access to interactive documentation.
More examples can be found here.
Pixels Live Wallpaper is an application that allows you use your projects created with Jadsds engine as live wallpaper in your smartphone.
The app includes:
• Documentation.
• A quick guide about how to create a live wallpaper using GIF images.
• Lots of live wallpapers.