Live maps of the legend of Zelda a link to the past and Zelda DX. They're available for download or watch online.
Bellow you can find quick information about how the maps were done.
The live maps can be found on Youtube.
HTML5 allows create animations without installing any plugin in your internet browser but it requires programming skills. All the live maps were done thanks to JavaScript.
JadsdsEngine is a collection of JavaScript functions that allow you create animations using friendly tags like in HTML. All these tags are stored in an XML file that will be used to build the animation. Please check the next examples.
A basic animated object, the tags used are quite simple to understand.
You can include movement using the tag “moveAnimation”.
Capture events allow you change the object behavior. Here the events “MoveAnimationMaxLeftReached and MoveAnimationMaxRightReached” are triggered when “moveAnimation” reaches it limits, thereby the action “FlipImage” is called.
JadsdsEngine has more than 100 tags, it would be completely crazy trying to learn everything. The best you can do is check the live maps, find something similar to what you have in mind and copy and paste the code in your animation.
Zelda live maps are using almost all the tags available, just copy and paste what you need.
Check the main website for documentation and more examples.
Pixels Live Wallpaper is an application that allows you use your projects created with Jadsds engine as live wallpaper in your smartphone.
The app includes:
• Documentation.
• A quick guide about how to create a live wallpaper using GIF images.
• Lots of live wallpapers.